Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why Are Kids Overweight?

“Supersize it!” Sodas, French Fries, Chips, Candy, Blue juices, ice cream, etc. The list goes on. Our children have been trained to eat and eat and eat; drink and drink and drink. They watch television with something in their hand. When they ride in the car, mom hands them snacks to keep them quiet. At night before they lay down to sleep mom yields to their demands for more calorie laced snacks, or else they won’t go to bed.

Let me say right here and now, parents it is your fault if you have an obese child in your house. What use to be cute is now a weight problem and it is now out of your control and you are frustrated. Trying to stop a child from gluttonous eating habits is like trying to take a bone from a dog. You’ve got a fight on your hands.

In order to make changes in the child, change must come to the parent’s way of doing things. Several of my grandchildren have been conditioned at two and four to expect snacks whether they eat their meals or not, but when they come to our house, even if their parents bring the snack foods, which they love, we limit the amount they eat. Most of the time they end up taking it back home.

I’ve noticed they are poor eaters of nutritionally sound food, but when the snacks come out, they are like a hungry puppy who can’t wait for you to pour food in his bowl. I can make suggestions but I don’t live in their house. This is what their parents have chosen to do.

Solving the overweight child’s problem begins with educating the parent about nutrition and balance, shopping and cooking nutritious meals within their likes and dislikes as a family. If you don’t get the whole family involved it will not work because the temptation is too great.

Why should you as a parent be willing to do whatever it takes to help your child to lose weight? Children who are overweight are teased, pushed around, talked about, feel ashamed, can’t run, jump and play like other kids, have a low self-esteem and may not do well academically.

Is that a good enough reason to get involved as a parent? Or would you rather have other people talk about your child's weight? Sooner or later your child’s weight problem will affect his/her health and the family’s lifestyle.

Learn more about nutrition at

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