Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Take Your Eyes Off the Fat Diets, Teas, etc.

5 Motivational Quotes That Give You Inspiration to Take Action
By Anthony D Carter

We all get down sometimes while pursuing our goals. We need motivation to keep going. Motivational quotes provide a great remedy for inspiring you to action. Here are five good quotes that will give you inspiration for action.

"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore." ~ Andre Gide

Unless you are willing to leave the comfort of status quo then you will never experience the excitement of growth and achievement. You are doomed to repeat the same boring experiences and live in the same stale surroundings. Deep down we all long for a life of expansion. We want to grow. We want to live up to our potential. We experience a meaningful degree of fulfillment once we move beyond the levels that we believed possible. We feel more and more alive as we move forward on our path of personal development.

In order to grow we need to step out into uncharted waters. We need to go where we have never gone and do activities that we have never performed before.

"Never look back unless you are planning to go that way." ~ Henry D. Thoreau

Keep your attention on where you are going and not on where you are or where you have been in the past. Too often we let our past failures dictate our future plans. This is a major mistake and it will sap your motivation. Instead look at your future opportunities in an optimistic light. Forget your past and forge ahead with new possibilities. Learn from your failures and use them as a foundation for your upcoming successes.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

One major pitfall to maintaining motivation lies in our constant struggle with procrastination. However when you look at each day as if it were your last then you realize that the only time you have is today. You have this one moment in time. You are not guaranteed tomorrow. So your prevailing thought process should be to "Do It Now!"

Learn everything that you can. The more experiences that you can gain then the less time you will spend correcting mistakes. Often we can learn a majority of what we need to know by asking questions and getting answers from people who have done what we are attempting to do. Always seek to learn new ideas and insights everyday. This keeps you motivated and excited about life. We get discouraged when we are overwhelmed by confusion and frustration.

"Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose--a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye." ~ Mary Shelley

Keep your goal at the forefront of your mind it gives your struggles meaning. You will face frustration and disappointment while you are striving to hit your goals. But if the target is clearly defined these feelings will not keep you down.

The goal is the prize. And every prize demands that you pay a price to attain it. When you succeed you will feel so proud of yourself because you did indeed pay that price. You need to see your goal as already attained as you go about doing the work. If you do that then you will remain steady and consistent in your progressive march towards the object that you desire. You will never have to struggle with remaining motivated if you work at keeping your attention fixed on what it is that you want.

"Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent."~ Marilyn Vos Savant

Success consist of getting up one more time than you got knocked down. Failure is not permanent unless you quit. Commit to finishing what you start and you will discover that it does not matter how many mistakes that you make. You can still succeed if you do not give up. Gain inspiration from the fact that you will eventually achieve success if you keep on keeping on in spite of setbacks. Have the courage to try again and again for as long as it takes until you get what you want.

And now I would like to invite you to claim your free access to my special report "Motivation Keys" by going to

From Anthony D. Carter - a leading expert on motivation.

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Comments: If you are not motivated, no matter what plan you choose it won’t work. Why not focus on things that motivate you, that will uplift your spirits. So what, on some days your focus is all wrong. Come back to this page and give yourself a shot in the arm. It’s not about the fat, it’s about you. What do you want to do?

More solutions at

Break the High Calorie Eating Habit Today

The Proccess of Changing Old Habits
By Willis Miller

Hello Again!

Willis L Miller here again. Our topic for today is, "Can old habits change?" This is a question I have for you to consider. There is a saying that goes like this. "You can't teach old dogs new tricks!" That saying is very accurate when it comes to the literal meaning of that phrase. People are a bit like that, in formulating a excuse to not do that certain new activity or excursion or whatever may be. Because they plain and simple do not want to do that because of fear of the unknown!

The difference I see between us humans and dogs, is that God has given us the power of choice to do as we want. Dogs don't have the ability to think and choose what they want to do, based on logical thinking. We as created human beings do. The process of changing old habits I admit is not at all easy. In fact I believe it's one of the hardest things to change as we get older. When it involves dealing with our will or what we want to do for whatever reason, it becomes a lot easier to just let it go and keep putting up with it. I mean we can put up with ourselves a whole lot easier then someone else. We tend to expect other peoples habits to change instead of ours because we think life would become easier for us, if "they" would change.

The truth is that if we would change ours first then "they" will more likely change theirs to. And besides we'll find that by changing our habits first, our perspective on "them" will change for the better. So it's almost like a win win situation! When something becomes entrenched in our daily habits, we have a hard time processing the idea of coming out of the trench and moving on to a different tune. It only happens when the perceived need becomes great enough, and if there is no other option then the choice making becomes a want to, or maybe by then it's a have to).

Sometimes it's good to take a look back on our lives to see the problematic issues that have risen again and again because of our old habits. If we're concerned enough about it, (we should be concerned)hopefully motivation will drive us to get with the program, and do whatever it takes to get out of the rut! Fear of people, fear of not being able to match up to our circle of friends, fear of unknown, fear of failure,fear of being manipulated by others, fear of missing out on something and the list could go on, ect. can keep the good life style changes from happening if we would just release those fears and open our minds to new possibilities!! It keeps life fun when we can stay out of our own comfort zones and be open to do things differently then what we're used to.

We have a choice. We can stay within our cultured comfort zones and reap the benefits of being a shriveled up "crab apple":( Or we can expand ourselves and try something new now and then, and reap the benefits of creativity. Creativity in our lives helps us to not get stuck so much from old habits. Life is meant to be enjoyed! It's going to be up to me personally to actually change and do something about it. Do I fear that process? All the thinking up of excuses in the world will not change anything. I need to take that actual step in producing change. That will be the only way toward the right direction! So take courage and take a deep breath and take that step toward a new you!

That all again for now, so keep on plowing ahead and do something successful in your life.

Best Regards,

Hello, How are ya? Let me tell you a little about myself. I'm what you call a Christian and I'm a guy that enjoys socializing with sociable people. I'm here to help in whatever way I can. I'm working online as well and don't mine sharing tips and pointers to those that are in the same field. I feel that people deserve to feel better esp. in today's world of fast foods. That's why I feel that having a customized blend of herbs for your supplementation and nutrition, that will give to you the essentials you need. Then you couple that with the power of stem cells that regenerate and renew your bodies various systems for optimal health. With these in your daily regime, you will begin to feel healthier and much more energetic. If you want to keep up with me, you can visit my blog at Submit your comments as there very much appreciated!

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Comments: Old habits are hard to break. What are your bad habits today? Is there something you want to do? It starts with a decision. No one can do it for you. If you feel your weight is a problem, ask yourself what you are doing to add to the problem. Hate the habits that got you into this mess but don't hate your body. Your body is a temple, treat it like a sacred place by getting rid of those old eating habits.

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Tips From Personal Trainer, Coach, Nutritionist, Dr. Vera Stevens

(Excerpt from her book: The Power Is In Your Hands:
Physically and Spiritually Fit For Life


1. Cut back on your daily use of sugar and sweets. Eat fruits to satisfy your natural craving for a sweet taste. Sugar abuse is not worth robbing your self of precious energy and stamina.

2. Reduce or eliminate soft drink consumption. Drinking these drinks set you up for excessive eating and lack of discipline.

3. Having trouble falling asleep at night? The body uses sleeping to cleanse, and rebuild, but if you go to sleep with a full stomach your body is not at rest. It will be busy digesting and processing a large amount of food, which will take hours to break down, inhibiting the vital cleansing, building and rest processes that normally occur while you are asleep.The Human body uses sleep to repair, rebuild and restore it.

4. Education is the Key: A perfect dietary and a healthier lifestyle habit, stress management and proper exercise program cannot be incorporated into a person’s daily regime overnight,but an increased awareness of these health tools and positive benefits will serve many individuals for life.

5. Avoid poor diets that include dead, cooked, devitalize, clogging, low fiber, or fried foods, with not enough water. This type of diet will set the stage for intestinal problems. Unlike fresh fruit and raw vegetables and 6 to 8 ounce glasses of pure natural water, lack the proper enzymes to assist in proper digestion and assimilation, and lack the fiber or bulk to assist in proper elimination. Also,lacks essential vitamins, minerals, and other basic nutrients.

6. How can cleansing help with weight loss? Virtually all nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, enter into the body through the small intestinal villi, which is located on the wall of the intestinal. They act as a filtering system, extracting nourishment from the food we eat and then filtering our impurities.

7 Many filters can become clogged with digestive by-products. When this happens their surface area is redacted and they cannot absorb the nutrients as effectually. We continue to eat but less and less of the nutrients are getting into our system and so we feel hungry and continue to consume unhealthy foods which provide no nutrients.

The Power Is In Your Hands, what are you going to do about it? Hear more from Dr. Vera at

You Have the Power! Make Something Happen!

10 Days to a New You
By Lynn Banis

We all could do with a make - over now and then. Here are several things you can do to create a new you. Just do one a day, make it a habit and soon you will have a whole new persona and outlook on life.

1. Put your needs first. When you always let the needs of other come before your own you soon feel angry, over whelmed and put upon or used. Remember that if you don't take care of yourself first you will have mothering to five to others.

2. Live intentionally. Know what you want and how you want to impact others and the world. Stay aligned with your intentions. You will feel strong, empowered and alive.

3. Acknowledge your impact on others and the world. We are all connected and what you do and say reverberates across many, many people. Be sure you think through the repercussions of your words and actions.

4. Take a stand. Don't let the opinions of others run or ruin your life. If you are living intentionally and acknowledging your impact on the world around you the negative opinions of others should be something you can easily shrug off. They are just not valid or important.

5. Live in integrity. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Know what your values are and live according to them. They are your rudder through all the storms in life. Stick to them, they will serve you well.

6. Build your confidence. You are a unique work of art. Speak out and let the world know who you are and what gift you bring to share with others. Dare to be all you can be.

7. Accept your mistakes and move on. We all make mistakes but the healthiest of us learn from them and then shrug them off and move on. Join the healthy crowd and do this for yourself.

8. Play. Don't take yourself and your life so seriously. Laugh and be silly. Enjoy what you are doing. Life is far too short to be bogged down in seriousness all of the time. Lighten up and put joy into your life and the lives of others.

9. Write. Use a journal or notebook to work through the issues in your life. You can usually hash things out in about eight hundred words. Reread what you have written, extract the wisdom and move on. Dwelling on issues any longer just gets you stuck in them.

10. Get a hobby or special interest in your life. It will broaden your horizons and make you a more interesting and interested person.

About the Author:

Lynn Banis PhD, MCC is known as America's High Performance Coach. She specializes in helping executives and entrepreneurs make the most of their opportunities and potential. Her years of working with small and large businesses has given her a depth of knowledge that is invaluable to her clients. You can reach her at or Also check out Lynn's other businesses: Coach Academy Texas, a cutting edge coach training company; and Turnkey Coaching Solutions, a coaching program management and contract coach staffing company.

Article Source:

Comments: I like what Lynn said about taking a stand. It’s time for you to do that. Stop wallowing in self pity and start to live. Today is a new day. The power is in your hands, so what are you going to do? Cast your fears, shame, lack of confidence, to the wind. There is nothing you can’t do. Put your self first. Send yourself some love. Pamper you today.

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If You Want to Lose Weight, Try Thinking About It First. . .

Think and Grow Thin - Make Up Your Mind to Lose Weight
By Louis Jeffries

Healthy Weight Loss Begins in the Mind

The weight loss plan you choose is important. The choices to exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet are necessary for anyone to lose weight. But no one will "grow thin" unless their mind is made up to do so. I am not talking about wishful thinking. I am not talking about the thought of the day or another new years resolution that you just come up with. To truly "grow thin" you must have a burning passionate desire mixed with faith and a will to succeed that causes you to be persistent and not to be denied. When you develop that burning desire to do anything and have faith that you can accomplish what you believe, nothing can stop you from achieving anything you set your mind to do.

A Burning Desire

The first step to success in any goal is to have a desire to achieve the goal. The more daunting the task the greater your desire for success must be. Burning excess fat and keeping it off requires a deep passionate desire ingrained in your soul for most people to successfully accomplish and maintain their goals. A burning desire is much more than a thought or a wish. It dominates your thoughts day and night. Much like a fear you can not get it out of your mind. When you truly have a will and mindset to grow thin you seek solutions and educate yourself on how to satisfy that unquenchable thirst in your soul. One thing to be wary of are those situations where you may accept anything that may sound to good to be true as you seek to quench that thirst. This is where the fad diets, magic potions and lotions, and miracle pills all make millions on people who have a desire but do not learn to lose weight properly by employing professionals to help them eat a healthy diet and develop an exercise routine that will in fact help them lose weight. Even quality natural nutritional supplements are helpful as part of your healthy weight loss program. The undeniable key to success is your mind set. You must think and have a passionate burning desire with faith and an unstoppable persistence to ensure success to grow thin as you meet your goals.

You Can Do It.

Be Blessed. Be A Blessing.

Coach Louis

A Christian, Husband, Father, Grandfather who is passionate about sharing God's Word.
I have been teaching Sunday School and Bible Study classes since 2000. I have a special passion for sharing what God said for us to eat healthy according to His Word. As a middle aged man with more years behind me than a head of me I know the importance of being an example for the generations to come. We baby boomers have an obligation to God and to our brothers and sisters to let them know to believe God for He is faithful and His Word is true. He will do what he says he would do. See more of my articles at

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Comments: Coach Louis has a point. When are you going to stop participating in the next new fad diet, drink, tea, buying the next exercise, or joining the gyms? Whatever your mind can conceive and believe you can achieve.

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