Friday, June 26, 2009

Fat, Fat, Full, Full, Oh What A Relief?

The light comes on one day and you realize you are fat. I could say it nicely. You have a few more pounds; you're a fuller figured woman; overweight.

That is the problem, we keep telling ourselves lies and the mind is trying to talk some sense into us.

You've done it. I've done it. Tell yourself you are skinny; buy into the skinny program.

My approach has always been to call a spade a spade.

You will not get anywhere with lies. They don't work. If you hate you fat body, then
it will continue to perform even after you take off the fat pounds to go to work to put back on the pounds.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How to Avoid Stressful Situations Adding Extra Pounds

There are a lot of reasons why people put on weight. Eating is just one of the many causes of weight gain. When most people look at a person who is overweight, eating is the first thought.

It is so easy to point fingers and criticize. I don’t think anyone starts out in life desiring to stretch their body’s skin in such a way they don’t look like the person they started out as.

Things happen. Unless you have been there don’t pass judgment.

I thought I would talk about stress and its impact. I was watching a friend who is full figured already during the holiday season. It was as if she had the munchies. She snacked and ate, snacked and ate.

As I watched her, it occurred to me that her eating was not about being hungry but more about something else and then it occurred to me she was once an addict.

Now that she was no longer on drugs, she had substituted food in all forms to quiet the cravings. The drug craving was causing her to be stressed and eating was her outlet for the stress.

Are you trying to eat away your stress? How do you know? The next time you feel upset, take inventory of what is going on in your mind; what are you thinking of? Did you reach for something to snack on or for food?

Become aware of your eating habits and what is associated with them. You can take control. Devise a plan of action for eating away emotional disturbances, or coping with stress.

Some of the things I do: keep a journal, drink water instead of snack, eat fruity snacks, or protein snack, do some physical activity, play a game, watch exercise videos.

Remember the power is in your hands. The decisions about your body are yours. Whatever you do, don’t do it for others, do it for yourself. That is the real key to health and fitness.

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