Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dr. Vera's Personal Trainer Weight Loss 20 Challenge

Are you looking to lose 20 pounds? Even if you are not, have you been struggling with your weight? What if I told you, the real problem of why the weight won’t stay off has to do with what is in your mind?

This is weird how this happened, I took on the challenge to host Dr. Vera, a personal trainer and nutritionist, on one of my radio shows (www.blogtalkradio.com/changinglives) The show has been going on for a few years now. Being the host, preparing and listening to the information caused my mind to make a greater shift related to weight and my health.

At the time I undertook to do this show, I was already at my desired weight, but just recently I decided that I wanted to take off about 15 to 20 pounds. So I proposed the idea to Dr. Vera Stevens and we kicked it off in October: The Weight Loss 20 Challenge.

Dr. Vera has agreed to consult with our listeners individually/group at no cost to those participating in the challenge. You may be the type of person who needs to be accountable to someone. There is a missing piece to why you haven’t made the connection to set you free from the battle with your weight. . . It’s not too late to join.

Kick off the New Year with a new plan of action, one that values health and wellness.

Take off the pounds without starving yourself (click here)

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