Thursday, September 23, 2010

How Does Food Affect Your Weight and Health?

Have you ever heard the expression, “We are what we eat.” A statement like that makes me think. Am I what I eat? What I think it is referring to: if you eat right, then the intention of that food will add up to a healthier you.

Our bodies requires food that will help it to build muscle, supply our blood cells, etc. But what do we eat and why is it good for us? Example, carbohydrates. Why do we need it?

Why Should We Eat Carbohydrates with a Protein?
By Dr. Vera Stevens

Eating balance throughout the day is not the only important factor to keeping your metabolism burning high and your body working well. Every meal (and snack) should include both carbohydrates and proteins. Understand that carbohydrates are 100 percent pure energy, fuel for the body.

Proteins are the building blocks; but if no carbohydrates are available, the body will burn proteins. A carbohydrate should be eaten with protein to protect it from being wasted as a less efficient fuel source.

Protein is necessary for vital building functions: boosting the metabolism; building body muscle; keeping the body fluids in balance; healing and fighting infection; and making beautiful skin, hair and nails. Protein is the new you!

You cannot be healthy without eating protein properly. But, frankly, it is so potent that you don’t need much of it. A 6 ½-ounce piece of chicken provides all the protein you need in an entire day.

“A little dab will do you” certainly applies to protein! The typical American diet provides two to three times the daily amount recommended because many Americans don’t eat balance throughout the day, and do not use it effectively, the body does not store protein, so it must be replenished frequently throughout the day, every day of your life... Without it your body isn’t building itself up. And without carbohydrates your body is burning protein as fuel.

Anyone who tells you not to eat carbohydrates, or protein together would be helping you to rob your body of carbohydrate’s energy and protein’s building power all day long.



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