Monday, July 19, 2010

Tips From Personal Trainer, Coach, Nutritionist, Dr. Vera Stevens

(Excerpt from her book: The Power Is In Your Hands:
Physically and Spiritually Fit For Life


1. Cut back on your daily use of sugar and sweets. Eat fruits to satisfy your natural craving for a sweet taste. Sugar abuse is not worth robbing your self of precious energy and stamina.

2. Reduce or eliminate soft drink consumption. Drinking these drinks set you up for excessive eating and lack of discipline.

3. Having trouble falling asleep at night? The body uses sleeping to cleanse, and rebuild, but if you go to sleep with a full stomach your body is not at rest. It will be busy digesting and processing a large amount of food, which will take hours to break down, inhibiting the vital cleansing, building and rest processes that normally occur while you are asleep.The Human body uses sleep to repair, rebuild and restore it.

4. Education is the Key: A perfect dietary and a healthier lifestyle habit, stress management and proper exercise program cannot be incorporated into a person’s daily regime overnight,but an increased awareness of these health tools and positive benefits will serve many individuals for life.

5. Avoid poor diets that include dead, cooked, devitalize, clogging, low fiber, or fried foods, with not enough water. This type of diet will set the stage for intestinal problems. Unlike fresh fruit and raw vegetables and 6 to 8 ounce glasses of pure natural water, lack the proper enzymes to assist in proper digestion and assimilation, and lack the fiber or bulk to assist in proper elimination. Also,lacks essential vitamins, minerals, and other basic nutrients.

6. How can cleansing help with weight loss? Virtually all nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, enter into the body through the small intestinal villi, which is located on the wall of the intestinal. They act as a filtering system, extracting nourishment from the food we eat and then filtering our impurities.

7 Many filters can become clogged with digestive by-products. When this happens their surface area is redacted and they cannot absorb the nutrients as effectually. We continue to eat but less and less of the nutrients are getting into our system and so we feel hungry and continue to consume unhealthy foods which provide no nutrients.

The Power Is In Your Hands, what are you going to do about it? Hear more from Dr. Vera at

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