Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Weight Loss Report: Mary Bodel Loses 60 Pounds
I checked the calories and realized that based upon what I had eaten, I could only eat 5 chips out of that bag and stay within my goal for that day. Learning to read labels can add to your weight loss success. Here is Mary Bodel’s story.
Tips For Easily Cutting Calories From Recipes
By Mary Bodel
One of my favorite past times is cooking. In fact, that's how I hit 260 pounds. However, that had to change and so did my cooking. It was tough to find what I needed, as I don't want to give up taste, just calories. Perhaps some of what I learned will help you find a way to trim the calories from your dinner and the pounds from your waist.
Choose your Fats: Not all fats are equal. A tablespoon of olive oil has 140 calories, where the same amount of lard has 205. That's a big difference. Look for oils and fats that contain mono or poly unsaturated fats in order to be heart healthy and diet friendly.
Cooking Spray and Non Stick Pans: These two items are some of the greatest additions to your kitchen. A squirt of the spray usually has ten calories or less, and with a nonstick pan, you may not even need that. There are many different flavors of the spray, including butter and olive oil.
Half the Sugar: Many dessert recipes call for too much sugar. You may have to experiment with the recipes to find the happy medium for your household, but there are recipes that I only add half the sugar called for. If possible, look for recipes that call for brown sugar or other less refined formats. That, too, will cut down on the calories.
Reduced fat and Nonfat: Many items that used to come loaded with diet no-nos can now be found with either reduced or no fat. Some of them work better than others, so you'll want to play around with them. I like the new fat free mayos on the market, but I'm not so thrilled with fat free doesn't melt well.
One trick I learned about switching from heavy whipping cream or half and half. Fat free half and half can work just as well in most cases. You'll want to watch the sugar content, as that is much higher than in regular half and half.
Whole Grain: This trick won't lessen the number of calories you eat, but it can lower the amount you absorb. Whole grains block absorption of fats and cholesterol, making them a wise choice to leave on the menu. Processed grains don't have this effect.
There are a lot of useful products on the market that can help you enjoy your food guilt free. You don't have to give up flavor or texture in order to have a healthy diet.
I've lost 60 pounds using the principals found in my new Win the Weight Loss War, Win the Battle of the Weight Loss War. If you are struggling to lose the pounds and have tried every diet that ever came out, this book is for you. It covers:
Diet Types.......................Page 8
Understanding Calories.......Page 10
Supplements....................Page 17
Childhood Obesity.............Page 19
If you want to lose the pounds, this book can help.
Article Source:
How to Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself (click here).
Friday, November 26, 2010
Looking for Plus Sizes on the Internet?
Backordered! What's A Plus Size Girl To Do?
By Pammy Love
You finally find a plus size dress that you love, it's new, it's fresh, it's priced perfectly. Excited, you pick your color / size and you're ready to finalize your order. But wait, there's a message. 'Sorry your item has been Backordered, expected date of delivery sometime in the next 15 years'! Ugh! So frustrating.
What's with this backorder stuff anyway? So, it's a new item, but it's not in stock? Perplexing.
Well fortunately, this is an issue in the plus size retail world that's hopefully soon to end. This points to old buying habits of plus size retailers. Many years ago, when shopping on the internet was unheard of, buyers of plus size clothing would buy new items based on 70-80% of what they thought the item would sell. This being the best way to give a plus size item a test drive. As an example- a plus size wrap dress (new), estimates to sell 1000 pieces, a buyer will typical fulfill an order to buy 800 pieces. It's a conservative way to cut down on overstock because if the plus size consumer doesn't buy the item, it's a miss for the retailer.
Enter the web.
With the popularity of shopping on the internet, plus size retailers often times have a hard time keeping up with demand. Chances are if you really loved that plus size wrap dress, many other curvy girls did as well. So it's first come, first serve. As an item sells out, the next step is to re-order. Keep in mind, a large majority of plus size items gets shipped from overseas so there is a waiting period. A long one.. Think turtle with a broken leg. The items arrive at distribution centers and get shipped to the curvy customer.
The practice that buyers use to buy new plus size clothing is finally changing. Realizing the web is a major point of sale, they're upping their orders, often times matching the amounts they're buying for repeat items. Good new! We can expect to see less of that annoying backorder message in the near future.
Pammy is the co-creator of the website, the one stop place for plus size coupons, sales, and much much more. The Plus Size Steals fashion blog is all about plus size style, tips and fashion for less.
Article Source:
Comment: You can look your best. Choose the right clothing and colors for you. Don’t try to follow fads. If you like a particular type clothing and they don’t make your size, I am sure there is a seamstress in your community who would be happy to have your business.
How is the rest of your life going? Issues and answers at
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Dr. Vera's Personal Trainer Weight Loss 20 Challenge
This is weird how this happened, I took on the challenge to host Dr. Vera, a personal trainer and nutritionist, on one of my radio shows ( The show has been going on for a few years now. Being the host, preparing and listening to the information caused my mind to make a greater shift related to weight and my health.
At the time I undertook to do this show, I was already at my desired weight, but just recently I decided that I wanted to take off about 15 to 20 pounds. So I proposed the idea to Dr. Vera Stevens and we kicked it off in October: The Weight Loss 20 Challenge.
Dr. Vera has agreed to consult with our listeners individually/group at no cost to those participating in the challenge. You may be the type of person who needs to be accountable to someone. There is a missing piece to why you haven’t made the connection to set you free from the battle with your weight. . . It’s not too late to join.
Kick off the New Year with a new plan of action, one that values health and wellness.
Take off the pounds without starving yourself (click here)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
What is the Problem With Fast Weight Loss?
Losing weight fast is what some opt to do because they are frustrated and lack patience. Have you ever had a tooth filled? How long does it take before your mind accepts that something foreign has been placed in your mouth? Or it’s like my dog after I give her a bath, for the next hour or so she runs around the house shaking, rubbing her head in the carpet trying to wash off this feeling of wetness.
Any weight loss plan should start in the mind. It took me a long time to really understand this but once I got it, I ate whatever I wanted, including snacks and still loss 30 pounds. Was it overnight? No, it was over a year’s time.
Think about it, you have been carrying that extra fat for awhile, haven’t you? You have adjusted your walk to it. As a matter of fact, your wardrobe has two sizes: the size you are now and your dream size that you look at every now and then, hoping to get down to. Everyone knows you are overweight. It is something you have mentioned to your friends over and over. Even your mind has gotten use to carrying around the extra weight.
I think the mind has a record of the body’s functions. That’s why when something happens different, it alerts us. The body knows you are yo-yo dieting. We have seen this with Oprah's weight loss plan. Even Janet Jackson once said she still feels fat, even though what we saw was a thin frame. The fast weight loss approach may not be right for you. The mind is still thinking “fat,” and I believe goes to work to bring back the fat because it has adjusted to the fat body.
Lose Weight Naturally Without Starving Yourself at
Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself!
I liked the way my pants, jeans, dresses, and skirts adorned my body. Then they started fitting tighter. The look I wanted for myself in my clothes was changing to a little more hips and stomach. Everyone has their turning point, and that was mine.
My husband liked what he saw either way but I was not happy. I was getting older, and I want to go into those years being able to run, jump and play, whether it is with the grandchildren, or my husband. I enjoy an active life. I fly kites. I garden. Bike ride and find this time in my life the best and want to get everything out of it I can while I still live.
I decided to challenge myself to lose 30 pounds, but I didn’t want to eat pre-measured meals, do diet teas, diet drinks, pills, diet cookies, none of that diet stuff for me. I was going to go natural. The first thing I did, I started keeping a journal of what I eat and drink daily. I did that for about a month.
In that month I read everything I could on weight loss; tips, exercises, foods, etc. I guess you can say I educated myself. I learned more about reading labels and how to decrease calories to take off weight. What took place before I began to work my plan: my awareness was raised on what I was eating or drinking. I realized that by educating myself on food, calories, weight loss tips, and how my body uses food, that my mindset was changing.
For most people weight loss is like diving in the water not knowing that it was shark infested until you get in, that those waters have enemies that will keep you from your destination unless you know how to work around them.
What do you know about losing weight? What is your mindset? Do you know how your body processes carbohydrates, proteins, nutrition? Are you aware of how your body works? Did you know you can lose weight naturally?
Find out how to lose weight and keep it off at
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Why Are Kids Overweight?
Let me say right here and now, parents it is your fault if you have an obese child in your house. What use to be cute is now a weight problem and it is now out of your control and you are frustrated. Trying to stop a child from gluttonous eating habits is like trying to take a bone from a dog. You’ve got a fight on your hands.
In order to make changes in the child, change must come to the parent’s way of doing things. Several of my grandchildren have been conditioned at two and four to expect snacks whether they eat their meals or not, but when they come to our house, even if their parents bring the snack foods, which they love, we limit the amount they eat. Most of the time they end up taking it back home.
I’ve noticed they are poor eaters of nutritionally sound food, but when the snacks come out, they are like a hungry puppy who can’t wait for you to pour food in his bowl. I can make suggestions but I don’t live in their house. This is what their parents have chosen to do.
Solving the overweight child’s problem begins with educating the parent about nutrition and balance, shopping and cooking nutritious meals within their likes and dislikes as a family. If you don’t get the whole family involved it will not work because the temptation is too great.
Why should you as a parent be willing to do whatever it takes to help your child to lose weight? Children who are overweight are teased, pushed around, talked about, feel ashamed, can’t run, jump and play like other kids, have a low self-esteem and may not do well academically.
Is that a good enough reason to get involved as a parent? Or would you rather have other people talk about your child's weight? Sooner or later your child’s weight problem will affect his/her health and the family’s lifestyle.
Learn more about nutrition at
Walking Is A Natural Weight Loss Exercise For Lazy Me
What I find works for me no matter where I find myself is: walking. I prefer to be outside wherever possible. It is all about finding what works for you. Certain types of food dieting did not work for me, so I customized a plan to work for me. Exercise habits should be something you can adapt as a part of your lifestyle, otherwise, you start slacking off.
There are different types of walking, you can walk slow, in a stroll, or at a medium pace. What my personal trainer revealed to me, walking fast, kick starts the heart rate and burns the calories. I don’t believe in jumping right in to anything. I like to work my way into my plan of action.
I used a pedometer to measure my steps. Buy yourself one that shows calories burned, steps, etc., as much information as possible. I started keeping track of my walks around the office. When you are working your weight loss plan, it is not a bad idea to keep track of what you are doing.
A friend of mine started working out in her neighborhood by using mail boxes as her goal. If you live in a gated community, or an apartment, you might try walking around your complex. Set a goal to do so many circles, and each day add another. If you don’t like circling, then set a time but make sure you are able to mark your journey in some way.
I have a park nearby and tried to get up, get in my car and drive to the park. It didn’t last long. If I got up one day and it was raining no walk. You’re probably thinking, what happens if I get in a routine of walking and it is raining? Raincoats and umbrellas are very useful tools. If you don’t want to go that route, put on your pedometer and set a path in your house or apartment and get to walking.
Got questions, need answers visit
Why Is Natural Weight Loss Better
Don’t you love the testimonies: “I loss 65 pounds in 2 months.” That is enticing. That is about 32 point something per month. Wow! It is tempting, magical weight loss. You ask yourself, can I do that? Yeah, you probably can, but will you keep it off? I understand wanting to get thin fast. I thought there was a magic formula. How ignorant I was, thinking that I could trick my body to unload 30 pounds almost overnight.
You may trick the body, but the mind says, “No, no, you are fat, you need to put those pounds back on.”
Just kidding, your mind may not be audibly speaking that but for those of us who have been in the struggle, we know that we don’t want the pounds back, but it seems like it happens slowly until we lose control again.
I use to follow them, until I saw after a few months they were gaining the weight back. Ah-h-h. So how do you decide on a weight loss program? Look at your track record, why did you fail with the other plans? Be honest. Could it be like my story? I don’t like being told what I can and can’t do. There is no one size fits all plan for me. That is why my choices didn’t work. The internet has many weight loss resources, examine them and decide what is best for you.
Personally, I don’t think every thing you have been accustomed to eating should be disregarded. Most people think of a losing weight plan means eating food with no taste, things you really don’t like. If that is the case you are defeating the purpose.
Eating naturally means I can still enjoy my meat proteins, cut back on the carbs, increase the veggies, fruits, without starving myself. A balance diet for me is essential to providing my body with the necessary nutrients. Using nutritional food groups has caused me to lose weight and keep it off.
My idea of a natural weight loss plan, being able to eat meat, carbs (in moderation), veggies and fruits, no special diet. What does losing weight naturally mean to you?
Is your weight the only thing bugging you, or are there other issues that maybe at the root of your finding comfort in food. Be victorious in life at .
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Weight Loss Alert: Don't Eat When You're Bored
is usually food on the car I eat. What I have learned to do is to play my favorite gospel tunes, especially when I am driving. Since I am driven most of the time I keep myself occupied with reading a book, or crossroad puzzles, etc. Thought this article might help you, if you are a boredom eater.
Is Boredom Making You Fat? 10 Non-Food Ways to Beat Boredom
By Kathy Ferneau
Do you ever eat because you're bored? Lots of people do. It's one of many emotional reasons for overeating. In fact, some experts have estimated that as much as 75% of overeating can be attributed to our emotions, not true hunger. Along with stress, anxiety, and low self-esteem, we satiate boredom with eating.
Bored on the job? Take a coffee break and grab a candy bar or sweet roll.
Bored at school? Hit the vending machines for something salty.
Bored at home? Check out the fridge.
Why do we need to placate our boredom with food? Is an internal stimulus the only answer? Obviously, no. But it's probably one of the easiest and fastest. It doesn't take much thought to stuff something in your mouth and the sensation temporarily relieves the pain, or in this case, the boredom.
Eating affords a quick fix, especially when you munch down on easily-consumed junk food while grazing through the kitchen.
You need to realize, however, that mindless eating damages your body. That feel-good fix works just like a drug addict's shot of heroin.
You can combat boredom in many other ways:
1. Read a book. Okay, I hear you--who's got time to read a novel? How about two pages of the novel, an article from a favorite magazine, or five minutes reading today's newspaper?
2. If you have access to exercise equipment, spend five minutes working on it. Or just take a walk around the block. If you're working in an office building, walk up and down a few flights of stairs.
3. Solve a crossword puzzle. Keep a book of puzzles in your desk and when the insanity gets overwhelming, fill in a few words.
4. Have a hobby handy. Keep a bag of knitting near you and get a few rows completed on that scarf. Take up origami and fold paper birds. Paint water color roses.
5. Give yourself a manicure.
6. Organize a drawer.
7. Return a phone call that you've been putting off.
8. Write a thank you note.
9. Vacuum one room.
10. Plan your next vacation.
Limit yourself to 5 to 10 minutes. Surfing the internet or watching TV for 45 minutes creates new problems!
Plan your "boredom busters" in advance, choosing what works best for you. Keep a list of them close by.
The American artist, Saul Steinberg, said, "The life of the creative man is led, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes."
So the next time you're tempted to eat out of boredom, stimulate your brain, not your taste buds!
Looking for diet and weight loss tips? Kathy Ferneau has created an excellent resource for information on diets, healthy eating, and exercise. Click here:
Article Source:
Comment: Raising awareness about habits in the hopes you will replace bad ones with good ones. It wouldn’t hurt to stop before you grab food and ask yourself, “Am I really hungry? Does this food have any nutritional value, or am I just eating to be eating?
Looking for more answers to the challenges of life, visit
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Eating Well on a Tight Budget
If you are on a tight budget you are looking to stretch your meals so that you can take a meat like chicken and create several meals. I don’t know about you but chicken prices seem to be higher these days. I am picky about how my chickens are grown. I don’t want chickens who have been given hormones, although packaging labels can lie.
How many ways do you know how to prepare chicken? Invite you to share your recipes.
Ground Turkey is another meat that can give you a lot of cluck for your buck. You can make meat sauce with Spaghetti, add chopped lettuce, tomatoes, cheese,and make a Taco. The Turkey meat sauce can also be placed over two slices of whole wheat bread, add some veggies, or a salad, for a Sloppy Joe.
Another delicious dish you can make using the Turkey meat before you put the sauce or any other ingredients, is a Shepherd’s Pie, using mash potatoes. Mix the mash potatoes according to the instructions on the box, pour some on the bottom of the pan, add cooked Turkey Meat, some peas, carrots, and add another layer of mashed potatoes over the meat, peas, etc. You might do a second layer with meat, peas, etc. and a final layer of mashed potatoes.
Sprinkle your favorite cheese on the top, stick it in the oven for a few minutes and it is ready to serve.
Everything in moderation. You can eat good nutrition on a budget and improve your health.
More healthy ideas with savings at
How Does Food Affect Your Weight and Health?
Our bodies requires food that will help it to build muscle, supply our blood cells, etc. But what do we eat and why is it good for us? Example, carbohydrates. Why do we need it?
Why Should We Eat Carbohydrates with a Protein?
By Dr. Vera Stevens
Eating balance throughout the day is not the only important factor to keeping your metabolism burning high and your body working well. Every meal (and snack) should include both carbohydrates and proteins. Understand that carbohydrates are 100 percent pure energy, fuel for the body.
Proteins are the building blocks; but if no carbohydrates are available, the body will burn proteins. A carbohydrate should be eaten with protein to protect it from being wasted as a less efficient fuel source.
Protein is necessary for vital building functions: boosting the metabolism; building body muscle; keeping the body fluids in balance; healing and fighting infection; and making beautiful skin, hair and nails. Protein is the new you!
You cannot be healthy without eating protein properly. But, frankly, it is so potent that you don’t need much of it. A 6 ½-ounce piece of chicken provides all the protein you need in an entire day.
“A little dab will do you” certainly applies to protein! The typical American diet provides two to three times the daily amount recommended because many Americans don’t eat balance throughout the day, and do not use it effectively, the body does not store protein, so it must be replenished frequently throughout the day, every day of your life... Without it your body isn’t building itself up. And without carbohydrates your body is burning protein as fuel.
Anyone who tells you not to eat carbohydrates, or protein together would be helping you to rob your body of carbohydrate’s energy and protein’s building power all day long.
Read more like this at
Shopping For Plus Size Women
I watched a plus size slide show out of New York recently and was somewhat disappointed. I didn’t find the choices particularly flattering to the full figure, instead it was still pushing skinny girl styles of tight fit.
Actress Nikki Blonsky said she got tired of trying on outfits and just decided to go with what she liked and felt comfortable in. Personally, I think that the focus should have been on what flatters the plus size figure, whatever that maybe. They are the experts.
There were far too many above the knee. They looked good on the models who obviously work out and are toned but I don’t think it would be an appropriate choice for plus size gals. The belt around the waist, arms bare definitely not for me.
When it was over I had a question: What size constitutes a plus size? That question was answered later on in the article as size 12 and a referral to
Are fashion designers assuming plus size women want skinny girl styles? Have you been asked, or taken a survey lately?
Relationship tips for plus size women at
Friday, September 3, 2010
10- Tips For Plus Size Women (Look Good While Losing Weight)
1. Assess your wardrobe and add to what you have
2. Decide which types of material gives you the best appearance all the time
3. All colors do not flatter your body. Choose a basic color
such as navy,black, etc. Coordinate color
into your basic colors sparingly.
4. Compliments can help you measure what goes into your wardrobe
5. Choosing fabrics and having your clothes made can be an
advantage to achieving slimmer looks.
6. Use earrings and other jewelry sparingly
7. Avoid hugging fits in pants and dresses.
8. If clothes and shoes are showing sings of wear and tear discard.
9. Separate your clothes into coordinated outfits for ease of selection.
10. Avoid following what is in style
Looking to get into a relationship, visit
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Soda or Water: Making the Right Choice for Life
Spent a week traveling to far away places, at least away from my home. Hanging out with friends, taking in sceneries. Tried to keep up with their drink tastes, not alcohol, but tea, water, soda, juices. I noticed that there was no change in how my body felt when I drank just plain water. Tea, even though it was iced tea made me
feel bloated, or just plain fat. It was the same with soda and juices. The more tea, juice or soda I attempted to drink the more uncomfortable my body got.
Also discovered nothing quenches my thirst like water. If I drank any of these I still felt like I wanted water and only water would satisfy me.
Did you know that our body is made up of about 80% water? I read somewhere that some diseases, like asthma is related to dehydration of the lungs.
My husband thinks I’m weird at times when I take a forkful of something and determine that my body does not like this food, or drink and won’t eat it.
A friend who is a certified nutritionist, personal trainer, etc., told me that water has a function that can only be ignored at our peril. Did you know that when your body burns food, waste is formed and needs to be flushed out of the body?
If you want to live healthy, be healthy, hang around people who eat healthy, think healthy and practice healthy living.
Learn more about living healthy with Dr. Vera at
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Take Your Eyes Off the Fat Diets, Teas, etc.
By Anthony D Carter
We all get down sometimes while pursuing our goals. We need motivation to keep going. Motivational quotes provide a great remedy for inspiring you to action. Here are five good quotes that will give you inspiration for action.
"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore." ~ Andre Gide
Unless you are willing to leave the comfort of status quo then you will never experience the excitement of growth and achievement. You are doomed to repeat the same boring experiences and live in the same stale surroundings. Deep down we all long for a life of expansion. We want to grow. We want to live up to our potential. We experience a meaningful degree of fulfillment once we move beyond the levels that we believed possible. We feel more and more alive as we move forward on our path of personal development.
In order to grow we need to step out into uncharted waters. We need to go where we have never gone and do activities that we have never performed before.
"Never look back unless you are planning to go that way." ~ Henry D. Thoreau
Keep your attention on where you are going and not on where you are or where you have been in the past. Too often we let our past failures dictate our future plans. This is a major mistake and it will sap your motivation. Instead look at your future opportunities in an optimistic light. Forget your past and forge ahead with new possibilities. Learn from your failures and use them as a foundation for your upcoming successes.
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." ~ Mahatma Gandhi
One major pitfall to maintaining motivation lies in our constant struggle with procrastination. However when you look at each day as if it were your last then you realize that the only time you have is today. You have this one moment in time. You are not guaranteed tomorrow. So your prevailing thought process should be to "Do It Now!"
Learn everything that you can. The more experiences that you can gain then the less time you will spend correcting mistakes. Often we can learn a majority of what we need to know by asking questions and getting answers from people who have done what we are attempting to do. Always seek to learn new ideas and insights everyday. This keeps you motivated and excited about life. We get discouraged when we are overwhelmed by confusion and frustration.
"Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose--a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye." ~ Mary Shelley
Keep your goal at the forefront of your mind it gives your struggles meaning. You will face frustration and disappointment while you are striving to hit your goals. But if the target is clearly defined these feelings will not keep you down.
The goal is the prize. And every prize demands that you pay a price to attain it. When you succeed you will feel so proud of yourself because you did indeed pay that price. You need to see your goal as already attained as you go about doing the work. If you do that then you will remain steady and consistent in your progressive march towards the object that you desire. You will never have to struggle with remaining motivated if you work at keeping your attention fixed on what it is that you want.
"Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent."~ Marilyn Vos Savant
Success consist of getting up one more time than you got knocked down. Failure is not permanent unless you quit. Commit to finishing what you start and you will discover that it does not matter how many mistakes that you make. You can still succeed if you do not give up. Gain inspiration from the fact that you will eventually achieve success if you keep on keeping on in spite of setbacks. Have the courage to try again and again for as long as it takes until you get what you want.
And now I would like to invite you to claim your free access to my special report "Motivation Keys" by going to
From Anthony D. Carter - a leading expert on motivation.
Article Source:
Comments: If you are not motivated, no matter what plan you choose it won’t work. Why not focus on things that motivate you, that will uplift your spirits. So what, on some days your focus is all wrong. Come back to this page and give yourself a shot in the arm. It’s not about the fat, it’s about you. What do you want to do?
More solutions at
Break the High Calorie Eating Habit Today
By Willis Miller
Hello Again!
Willis L Miller here again. Our topic for today is, "Can old habits change?" This is a question I have for you to consider. There is a saying that goes like this. "You can't teach old dogs new tricks!" That saying is very accurate when it comes to the literal meaning of that phrase. People are a bit like that, in formulating a excuse to not do that certain new activity or excursion or whatever may be. Because they plain and simple do not want to do that because of fear of the unknown!
The difference I see between us humans and dogs, is that God has given us the power of choice to do as we want. Dogs don't have the ability to think and choose what they want to do, based on logical thinking. We as created human beings do. The process of changing old habits I admit is not at all easy. In fact I believe it's one of the hardest things to change as we get older. When it involves dealing with our will or what we want to do for whatever reason, it becomes a lot easier to just let it go and keep putting up with it. I mean we can put up with ourselves a whole lot easier then someone else. We tend to expect other peoples habits to change instead of ours because we think life would become easier for us, if "they" would change.
The truth is that if we would change ours first then "they" will more likely change theirs to. And besides we'll find that by changing our habits first, our perspective on "them" will change for the better. So it's almost like a win win situation! When something becomes entrenched in our daily habits, we have a hard time processing the idea of coming out of the trench and moving on to a different tune. It only happens when the perceived need becomes great enough, and if there is no other option then the choice making becomes a want to, or maybe by then it's a have to).
Sometimes it's good to take a look back on our lives to see the problematic issues that have risen again and again because of our old habits. If we're concerned enough about it, (we should be concerned)hopefully motivation will drive us to get with the program, and do whatever it takes to get out of the rut! Fear of people, fear of not being able to match up to our circle of friends, fear of unknown, fear of failure,fear of being manipulated by others, fear of missing out on something and the list could go on, ect. can keep the good life style changes from happening if we would just release those fears and open our minds to new possibilities!! It keeps life fun when we can stay out of our own comfort zones and be open to do things differently then what we're used to.
We have a choice. We can stay within our cultured comfort zones and reap the benefits of being a shriveled up "crab apple":( Or we can expand ourselves and try something new now and then, and reap the benefits of creativity. Creativity in our lives helps us to not get stuck so much from old habits. Life is meant to be enjoyed! It's going to be up to me personally to actually change and do something about it. Do I fear that process? All the thinking up of excuses in the world will not change anything. I need to take that actual step in producing change. That will be the only way toward the right direction! So take courage and take a deep breath and take that step toward a new you!
That all again for now, so keep on plowing ahead and do something successful in your life.
Best Regards,
Hello, How are ya? Let me tell you a little about myself. I'm what you call a Christian and I'm a guy that enjoys socializing with sociable people. I'm here to help in whatever way I can. I'm working online as well and don't mine sharing tips and pointers to those that are in the same field. I feel that people deserve to feel better esp. in today's world of fast foods. That's why I feel that having a customized blend of herbs for your supplementation and nutrition, that will give to you the essentials you need. Then you couple that with the power of stem cells that regenerate and renew your bodies various systems for optimal health. With these in your daily regime, you will begin to feel healthier and much more energetic. If you want to keep up with me, you can visit my blog at Submit your comments as there very much appreciated!
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Comments: Old habits are hard to break. What are your bad habits today? Is there something you want to do? It starts with a decision. No one can do it for you. If you feel your weight is a problem, ask yourself what you are doing to add to the problem. Hate the habits that got you into this mess but don't hate your body. Your body is a temple, treat it like a sacred place by getting rid of those old eating habits.
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Monday, July 19, 2010
Tips From Personal Trainer, Coach, Nutritionist, Dr. Vera Stevens
Physically and Spiritually Fit For Life
1. Cut back on your daily use of sugar and sweets. Eat fruits to satisfy your natural craving for a sweet taste. Sugar abuse is not worth robbing your self of precious energy and stamina.
2. Reduce or eliminate soft drink consumption. Drinking these drinks set you up for excessive eating and lack of discipline.
3. Having trouble falling asleep at night? The body uses sleeping to cleanse, and rebuild, but if you go to sleep with a full stomach your body is not at rest. It will be busy digesting and processing a large amount of food, which will take hours to break down, inhibiting the vital cleansing, building and rest processes that normally occur while you are asleep.The Human body uses sleep to repair, rebuild and restore it.
4. Education is the Key: A perfect dietary and a healthier lifestyle habit, stress management and proper exercise program cannot be incorporated into a person’s daily regime overnight,but an increased awareness of these health tools and positive benefits will serve many individuals for life.
5. Avoid poor diets that include dead, cooked, devitalize, clogging, low fiber, or fried foods, with not enough water. This type of diet will set the stage for intestinal problems. Unlike fresh fruit and raw vegetables and 6 to 8 ounce glasses of pure natural water, lack the proper enzymes to assist in proper digestion and assimilation, and lack the fiber or bulk to assist in proper elimination. Also,lacks essential vitamins, minerals, and other basic nutrients.
6. How can cleansing help with weight loss? Virtually all nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, enter into the body through the small intestinal villi, which is located on the wall of the intestinal. They act as a filtering system, extracting nourishment from the food we eat and then filtering our impurities.
7 Many filters can become clogged with digestive by-products. When this happens their surface area is redacted and they cannot absorb the nutrients as effectually. We continue to eat but less and less of the nutrients are getting into our system and so we feel hungry and continue to consume unhealthy foods which provide no nutrients.
The Power Is In Your Hands, what are you going to do about it? Hear more from Dr. Vera at
You Have the Power! Make Something Happen!
By Lynn Banis
We all could do with a make - over now and then. Here are several things you can do to create a new you. Just do one a day, make it a habit and soon you will have a whole new persona and outlook on life.
1. Put your needs first. When you always let the needs of other come before your own you soon feel angry, over whelmed and put upon or used. Remember that if you don't take care of yourself first you will have mothering to five to others.
2. Live intentionally. Know what you want and how you want to impact others and the world. Stay aligned with your intentions. You will feel strong, empowered and alive.
3. Acknowledge your impact on others and the world. We are all connected and what you do and say reverberates across many, many people. Be sure you think through the repercussions of your words and actions.
4. Take a stand. Don't let the opinions of others run or ruin your life. If you are living intentionally and acknowledging your impact on the world around you the negative opinions of others should be something you can easily shrug off. They are just not valid or important.
5. Live in integrity. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Know what your values are and live according to them. They are your rudder through all the storms in life. Stick to them, they will serve you well.
6. Build your confidence. You are a unique work of art. Speak out and let the world know who you are and what gift you bring to share with others. Dare to be all you can be.
7. Accept your mistakes and move on. We all make mistakes but the healthiest of us learn from them and then shrug them off and move on. Join the healthy crowd and do this for yourself.
8. Play. Don't take yourself and your life so seriously. Laugh and be silly. Enjoy what you are doing. Life is far too short to be bogged down in seriousness all of the time. Lighten up and put joy into your life and the lives of others.
9. Write. Use a journal or notebook to work through the issues in your life. You can usually hash things out in about eight hundred words. Reread what you have written, extract the wisdom and move on. Dwelling on issues any longer just gets you stuck in them.
10. Get a hobby or special interest in your life. It will broaden your horizons and make you a more interesting and interested person.
About the Author:
Lynn Banis PhD, MCC is known as America's High Performance Coach. She specializes in helping executives and entrepreneurs make the most of their opportunities and potential. Her years of working with small and large businesses has given her a depth of knowledge that is invaluable to her clients. You can reach her at or Also check out Lynn's other businesses: Coach Academy Texas, a cutting edge coach training company; and Turnkey Coaching Solutions, a coaching program management and contract coach staffing company.
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Comments: I like what Lynn said about taking a stand. It’s time for you to do that. Stop wallowing in self pity and start to live. Today is a new day. The power is in your hands, so what are you going to do? Cast your fears, shame, lack of confidence, to the wind. There is nothing you can’t do. Put your self first. Send yourself some love. Pamper you today.
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If You Want to Lose Weight, Try Thinking About It First. . .
By Louis Jeffries
Healthy Weight Loss Begins in the Mind
The weight loss plan you choose is important. The choices to exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet are necessary for anyone to lose weight. But no one will "grow thin" unless their mind is made up to do so. I am not talking about wishful thinking. I am not talking about the thought of the day or another new years resolution that you just come up with. To truly "grow thin" you must have a burning passionate desire mixed with faith and a will to succeed that causes you to be persistent and not to be denied. When you develop that burning desire to do anything and have faith that you can accomplish what you believe, nothing can stop you from achieving anything you set your mind to do.
A Burning Desire
The first step to success in any goal is to have a desire to achieve the goal. The more daunting the task the greater your desire for success must be. Burning excess fat and keeping it off requires a deep passionate desire ingrained in your soul for most people to successfully accomplish and maintain their goals. A burning desire is much more than a thought or a wish. It dominates your thoughts day and night. Much like a fear you can not get it out of your mind. When you truly have a will and mindset to grow thin you seek solutions and educate yourself on how to satisfy that unquenchable thirst in your soul. One thing to be wary of are those situations where you may accept anything that may sound to good to be true as you seek to quench that thirst. This is where the fad diets, magic potions and lotions, and miracle pills all make millions on people who have a desire but do not learn to lose weight properly by employing professionals to help them eat a healthy diet and develop an exercise routine that will in fact help them lose weight. Even quality natural nutritional supplements are helpful as part of your healthy weight loss program. The undeniable key to success is your mind set. You must think and have a passionate burning desire with faith and an unstoppable persistence to ensure success to grow thin as you meet your goals.
You Can Do It.
Be Blessed. Be A Blessing.
Coach Louis
A Christian, Husband, Father, Grandfather who is passionate about sharing God's Word.
I have been teaching Sunday School and Bible Study classes since 2000. I have a special passion for sharing what God said for us to eat healthy according to His Word. As a middle aged man with more years behind me than a head of me I know the importance of being an example for the generations to come. We baby boomers have an obligation to God and to our brothers and sisters to let them know to believe God for He is faithful and His Word is true. He will do what he says he would do. See more of my articles at
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Comments: Coach Louis has a point. When are you going to stop participating in the next new fad diet, drink, tea, buying the next exercise, or joining the gyms? Whatever your mind can conceive and believe you can achieve.
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Friday, June 18, 2010
What Are Full Figured Girls Wearing?
Their wardrobe’s are daring, adventurous, and full of statements of who they are and bold, in your face, about who they think they are. They are strutting two piece bathing suits, one piece, thongs, middrift exposing layered tops, short shorts, breast revealing shirts. Just like their slimmer competition, they like to show off flesh too, and the man in their lives loves their full figure.
Doesn’t that just boost your confidence? Yes, it does. Except I like the idea of being a full figured conservative in dress. Never did like bathing suits, even as a teen. Forget the thong. Although I have to admit the thought crossed my mind. Can’t expose the mid drift because of a scar I carried from childhood, so that’s out.
I’ll stick with my Capri style pants and wear the shorts at home in my backyard. What I am saying here, if that is not you, then be who you are, create your own YOU. Don’t get caught up in what the slims are wearing. That is what they want to wear. Their body size will flatter what they put on. You can do the same. Wearing something because it is style but does not flatter your body type defeats the purpose.
Big shirts are in. so if you want to wear that bathing suit, what is wrong with putting one over it. Why not wear the mid drift exposing tops with a body slimming suit. Instead of shorts you might want to try Capri styles. Shorts tend to climb up your leg.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Jump Start Your Weight Loss Plan with Stretching Exercises???
and how to stretch without injuring the body.
I did my research, preparing to bring Dr. Vera on the show,
so that I could at least sound like I knew a little something.
We purposely decided not to post pictures, or videos of her but to allow her to
talk us through the exercises, to visualize them.
By the second week of our discussion those visions had moved from my head
Into my desiring to act on the information.
Has that ever happened to you? I decided to do a stretching plan for 30 days, about 10 minutes a day.
I want you to know that I blew one day already this week, didn’t
want to make the effort.
Today is a better day. And this is the day I decided to let you in on what I’m doing.
The other day I helped carry some chairs at church and it felt good. I’m also up to 15 minutes for my stretching exercises. I can tell my endurance level is up.
Want to get in on Dr. Vera’s Stretching Tips, visit
Friday, March 5, 2010
Discouraged By Weight Loss Scams?
Why are you not getting any where? That is a question that you have asked yourself from one weight loss tip to the next.
I’ve wondered about that myself. I wanted the magic pill, formula, act, guardian weight angel, somebody to introduce me to the easy weight loss plan.
What is the secret to successful weight loss? Many make the decision to lose weight, buy the next weight loss plan and flop one more time. Those who succeed at dropping those unwanted pounds may sound something like this: “I decided it’s enough. I don’t want to be fat any more. It wasn’t healthy. I stuck with it. I was determined. I refused to go up another dress size. I wanted to look better.”
Something took place in that person’s mind. There was a mindset shift. That product or service was just a catalyst to help them get started, and they decided to go all the way.
Weight loss programs sell to your emotions, a vision of what you want to look like, the fantasy look. You buy into the product or service with a distorted vision of who you are and where you’re at. They sell you on this overnight success. That is why most people fail. Your mind is flooded with pictures of the overweight and then, poof, the slim model comes forth.
If they told you about hard work, endurance, persistence, they wouldn’t sell you on their product. They reel you in with the “I once was fat but look at me now.” Before you know it, you’re emptying your pockets again.
Your weight is a part of you. It has been a part of you, something you have home grown. Now it has made you unhappy.
Think about your unhappiness for a moment. As a matter of fact, take a pen and write down why you are unhappy with your weight. Be honest.
Now take a look at what you wrote. How does that make you feel? If you are feeling anything except love for what you are faced with, then you have the wrong thoughts, and you will never lose the weight because you have the wrong attitude.
Take responsibility for what you have done. It is not the food’s fault; it is not someone else’s fault, it is your fault.
This is the first step to dropping those unwanted pounds; confess your part and wake up to a new attitude.
Looking for ideas on healthy weight loss, check out Dr. Vera Stevens on