Friday, January 27, 2012

Weight Loss Recipes for Christian Women

Are you over weight and unhappy with your weight? Is shame plaguing your life, stealing your peace? Over weight happens when we ignore what we are eating and eat whatever satisfies our taste buds for the moment with whatever is at our fingertips. As a Christian woman modifying weight loss recipes the extra pounds will come off as part of a lifestyle change versus crash dieting.

Where does a Christian woman start when it comes to losing weight? She begins by confessing to God that she has operated outside of his best for her health. Following the confession comes prayer for guidance, asking God to guide her as she begins to turn away from the old habits of weight loss recipes.

A Christian woman should seek God first. He knows everything about her (Psalms 139:3) Spend some time asking God to show you the root of this excessive weight gain. It might help to journal your feelings. It could be the weight loss recipes you have chosen in the past don’t work because you really don’t like, or fearful of doing something over and over. Perhaps it’s because your weight problem is connected to some emotional event in your life.

God wants to heal the real problem and not put a band aid on the symptoms. Choosing weight loss recipes, formulas, and restricting weight management ideas need to be considered spiritually by the Christian woman.

Weight loss recipes that work for some won’t work for others. The Christian woman should make sure her reasons for wanting to lose weight line up with God’s instructions for living. Do you want to lose weight because you no longer feel sexy, attractive? Is taking off the extra pounds going to fulfill your sexy feelings and lure you into thinking that borders on pride and return you to being self focused?

A Christian woman should examine her motives before God, recognizing that she has been created in the image of God, and he didn’t make junk. Making God the focus of your weight loss recipe, rather than becoming a fad, or quick fix, it becomes a lifestyle that can be lived out by the truths of God’s word.

More about living a lifestyle pleasing to God (click here)

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