Friday, November 26, 2010

Looking for Plus Sizes on the Internet?

Whoever said the plus size gal can’t look good? You are not going to take the weight off right away so in the meantime you need to flatter your looks with clothing and accessories. Start complement your figure right where you are. Don’t wait until you have come down to the size you are striving for. Hold your head up. Did you know you can buy your clothes a size bigger and have a tailor customize the piece to your body?

Backordered! What's A Plus Size Girl To Do?
By Pammy Love

You finally find a plus size dress that you love, it's new, it's fresh, it's priced perfectly. Excited, you pick your color / size and you're ready to finalize your order. But wait, there's a message. 'Sorry your item has been Backordered, expected date of delivery sometime in the next 15 years'! Ugh! So frustrating.

What's with this backorder stuff anyway? So, it's a new item, but it's not in stock? Perplexing.

Well fortunately, this is an issue in the plus size retail world that's hopefully soon to end. This points to old buying habits of plus size retailers. Many years ago, when shopping on the internet was unheard of, buyers of plus size clothing would buy new items based on 70-80% of what they thought the item would sell. This being the best way to give a plus size item a test drive. As an example- a plus size wrap dress (new), estimates to sell 1000 pieces, a buyer will typical fulfill an order to buy 800 pieces. It's a conservative way to cut down on overstock because if the plus size consumer doesn't buy the item, it's a miss for the retailer.

Enter the web.

With the popularity of shopping on the internet, plus size retailers often times have a hard time keeping up with demand. Chances are if you really loved that plus size wrap dress, many other curvy girls did as well. So it's first come, first serve. As an item sells out, the next step is to re-order. Keep in mind, a large majority of plus size items gets shipped from overseas so there is a waiting period. A long one.. Think turtle with a broken leg. The items arrive at distribution centers and get shipped to the curvy customer.

The practice that buyers use to buy new plus size clothing is finally changing. Realizing the web is a major point of sale, they're upping their orders, often times matching the amounts they're buying for repeat items. Good new! We can expect to see less of that annoying backorder message in the near future.

Pammy is the co-creator of the website, the one stop place for plus size coupons, sales, and much much more. The Plus Size Steals fashion blog is all about plus size style, tips and fashion for less.

Article Source:

Comment: You can look your best. Choose the right clothing and colors for you. Don’t try to follow fads. If you like a particular type clothing and they don’t make your size, I am sure there is a seamstress in your community who would be happy to have your business.

How is the rest of your life going? Issues and answers at

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dr. Vera's Personal Trainer Weight Loss 20 Challenge

Are you looking to lose 20 pounds? Even if you are not, have you been struggling with your weight? What if I told you, the real problem of why the weight won’t stay off has to do with what is in your mind?

This is weird how this happened, I took on the challenge to host Dr. Vera, a personal trainer and nutritionist, on one of my radio shows ( The show has been going on for a few years now. Being the host, preparing and listening to the information caused my mind to make a greater shift related to weight and my health.

At the time I undertook to do this show, I was already at my desired weight, but just recently I decided that I wanted to take off about 15 to 20 pounds. So I proposed the idea to Dr. Vera Stevens and we kicked it off in October: The Weight Loss 20 Challenge.

Dr. Vera has agreed to consult with our listeners individually/group at no cost to those participating in the challenge. You may be the type of person who needs to be accountable to someone. There is a missing piece to why you haven’t made the connection to set you free from the battle with your weight. . . It’s not too late to join.

Kick off the New Year with a new plan of action, one that values health and wellness.

Take off the pounds without starving yourself (click here)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What is the Problem With Fast Weight Loss?

The last diet fad I quit on was the no carbs plan. What I don’t like about dieting plans, requires you too often to eat or drink foods that is not apart of your cultural taste.

Losing weight fast is what some opt to do because they are frustrated and lack patience. Have you ever had a tooth filled? How long does it take before your mind accepts that something foreign has been placed in your mouth? Or it’s like my dog after I give her a bath, for the next hour or so she runs around the house shaking, rubbing her head in the carpet trying to wash off this feeling of wetness.

Any weight loss plan should start in the mind. It took me a long time to really understand this but once I got it, I ate whatever I wanted, including snacks and still loss 30 pounds. Was it overnight? No, it was over a year’s time.

Think about it, you have been carrying that extra fat for awhile, haven’t you? You have adjusted your walk to it. As a matter of fact, your wardrobe has two sizes: the size you are now and your dream size that you look at every now and then, hoping to get down to. Everyone knows you are overweight. It is something you have mentioned to your friends over and over. Even your mind has gotten use to carrying around the extra weight.

I think the mind has a record of the body’s functions. That’s why when something happens different, it alerts us. The body knows you are yo-yo dieting. We have seen this with Oprah's weight loss plan. Even Janet Jackson once said she still feels fat, even though what we saw was a thin frame. The fast weight loss approach may not be right for you. The mind is still thinking “fat,” and I believe goes to work to bring back the fat because it has adjusted to the fat body.

Lose Weight Naturally Without Starving Yourself at

Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself!

Why are we so overweight? Why have you put on those extra 30 or 40 pounds? Did it just magically appear? Are you tired of being bombarded with diet pills, diet fads, the next best weight loss plan? I know I was. I chased after them all, looking for a quick fix. Have you discovered there are none, or are you still hoping?

I liked the way my pants, jeans, dresses, and skirts adorned my body. Then they started fitting tighter. The look I wanted for myself in my clothes was changing to a little more hips and stomach. Everyone has their turning point, and that was mine.

My husband liked what he saw either way but I was not happy. I was getting older, and I want to go into those years being able to run, jump and play, whether it is with the grandchildren, or my husband. I enjoy an active life. I fly kites. I garden. Bike ride and find this time in my life the best and want to get everything out of it I can while I still live.

I decided to challenge myself to lose 30 pounds, but I didn’t want to eat pre-measured meals, do diet teas, diet drinks, pills, diet cookies, none of that diet stuff for me. I was going to go natural. The first thing I did, I started keeping a journal of what I eat and drink daily. I did that for about a month.

In that month I read everything I could on weight loss; tips, exercises, foods, etc. I guess you can say I educated myself. I learned more about reading labels and how to decrease calories to take off weight. What took place before I began to work my plan: my awareness was raised on what I was eating or drinking. I realized that by educating myself on food, calories, weight loss tips, and how my body uses food, that my mindset was changing.

For most people weight loss is like diving in the water not knowing that it was shark infested until you get in, that those waters have enemies that will keep you from your destination unless you know how to work around them.

What do you know about losing weight? What is your mindset? Do you know how your body processes carbohydrates, proteins, nutrition? Are you aware of how your body works? Did you know you can lose weight naturally?

Find out how to lose weight and keep it off at