Thursday, September 30, 2010

Weight Loss Alert: Don't Eat When You're Bored

I notice when I am on a road trip I tend to eat just to be eating. I’m not hungry but just because there
is usually food on the car I eat. What I have learned to do is to play my favorite gospel tunes, especially when I am driving. Since I am driven most of the time I keep myself occupied with reading a book, or crossroad puzzles, etc. Thought this article might help you, if you are a boredom eater.

Is Boredom Making You Fat? 10 Non-Food Ways to Beat Boredom
By Kathy Ferneau

Do you ever eat because you're bored? Lots of people do. It's one of many emotional reasons for overeating. In fact, some experts have estimated that as much as 75% of overeating can be attributed to our emotions, not true hunger. Along with stress, anxiety, and low self-esteem, we satiate boredom with eating.

Bored on the job? Take a coffee break and grab a candy bar or sweet roll.

Bored at school? Hit the vending machines for something salty.

Bored at home? Check out the fridge.

Why do we need to placate our boredom with food? Is an internal stimulus the only answer? Obviously, no. But it's probably one of the easiest and fastest. It doesn't take much thought to stuff something in your mouth and the sensation temporarily relieves the pain, or in this case, the boredom.

Eating affords a quick fix, especially when you munch down on easily-consumed junk food while grazing through the kitchen.

You need to realize, however, that mindless eating damages your body. That feel-good fix works just like a drug addict's shot of heroin.

You can combat boredom in many other ways:

1. Read a book. Okay, I hear you--who's got time to read a novel? How about two pages of the novel, an article from a favorite magazine, or five minutes reading today's newspaper?

2. If you have access to exercise equipment, spend five minutes working on it. Or just take a walk around the block. If you're working in an office building, walk up and down a few flights of stairs.

3. Solve a crossword puzzle. Keep a book of puzzles in your desk and when the insanity gets overwhelming, fill in a few words.

4. Have a hobby handy. Keep a bag of knitting near you and get a few rows completed on that scarf. Take up origami and fold paper birds. Paint water color roses.

5. Give yourself a manicure.

6. Organize a drawer.

7. Return a phone call that you've been putting off.

8. Write a thank you note.

9. Vacuum one room.

10. Plan your next vacation.

Limit yourself to 5 to 10 minutes. Surfing the internet or watching TV for 45 minutes creates new problems!

Plan your "boredom busters" in advance, choosing what works best for you. Keep a list of them close by.

The American artist, Saul Steinberg, said, "The life of the creative man is led, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes."

So the next time you're tempted to eat out of boredom, stimulate your brain, not your taste buds!

Looking for diet and weight loss tips? Kathy Ferneau has created an excellent resource for information on diets, healthy eating, and exercise. Click here:

Article Source:

Comment: Raising awareness about habits in the hopes you will replace bad ones with good ones. It wouldn’t hurt to stop before you grab food and ask yourself, “Am I really hungry? Does this food have any nutritional value, or am I just eating to be eating?

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Eating Well on a Tight Budget

I enjoy food that is tastefully prepared and colorful. Make a list of the types of foods you like to eat. That would include meat, veggies and starches. In the meat department some choices can create rollover meals. For example, chicken breast can be made into a salad, fried, baked, stewed, soups, salads and add gravy. You can plan a meal around any of these.

If you are on a tight budget you are looking to stretch your meals so that you can take a meat like chicken and create several meals. I don’t know about you but chicken prices seem to be higher these days. I am picky about how my chickens are grown. I don’t want chickens who have been given hormones, although packaging labels can lie.

How many ways do you know how to prepare chicken? Invite you to share your recipes.

Ground Turkey is another meat that can give you a lot of cluck for your buck. You can make meat sauce with Spaghetti, add chopped lettuce, tomatoes, cheese,and make a Taco. The Turkey meat sauce can also be placed over two slices of whole wheat bread, add some veggies, or a salad, for a Sloppy Joe.

Another delicious dish you can make using the Turkey meat before you put the sauce or any other ingredients, is a Shepherd’s Pie, using mash potatoes. Mix the mash potatoes according to the instructions on the box, pour some on the bottom of the pan, add cooked Turkey Meat, some peas, carrots, and add another layer of mashed potatoes over the meat, peas, etc. You might do a second layer with meat, peas, etc. and a final layer of mashed potatoes.

Sprinkle your favorite cheese on the top, stick it in the oven for a few minutes and it is ready to serve.

Everything in moderation. You can eat good nutrition on a budget and improve your health.

More healthy ideas with savings at

How Does Food Affect Your Weight and Health?

Have you ever heard the expression, “We are what we eat.” A statement like that makes me think. Am I what I eat? What I think it is referring to: if you eat right, then the intention of that food will add up to a healthier you.

Our bodies requires food that will help it to build muscle, supply our blood cells, etc. But what do we eat and why is it good for us? Example, carbohydrates. Why do we need it?

Why Should We Eat Carbohydrates with a Protein?
By Dr. Vera Stevens

Eating balance throughout the day is not the only important factor to keeping your metabolism burning high and your body working well. Every meal (and snack) should include both carbohydrates and proteins. Understand that carbohydrates are 100 percent pure energy, fuel for the body.

Proteins are the building blocks; but if no carbohydrates are available, the body will burn proteins. A carbohydrate should be eaten with protein to protect it from being wasted as a less efficient fuel source.

Protein is necessary for vital building functions: boosting the metabolism; building body muscle; keeping the body fluids in balance; healing and fighting infection; and making beautiful skin, hair and nails. Protein is the new you!

You cannot be healthy without eating protein properly. But, frankly, it is so potent that you don’t need much of it. A 6 ½-ounce piece of chicken provides all the protein you need in an entire day.

“A little dab will do you” certainly applies to protein! The typical American diet provides two to three times the daily amount recommended because many Americans don’t eat balance throughout the day, and do not use it effectively, the body does not store protein, so it must be replenished frequently throughout the day, every day of your life... Without it your body isn’t building itself up. And without carbohydrates your body is burning protein as fuel.

Anyone who tells you not to eat carbohydrates, or protein together would be helping you to rob your body of carbohydrate’s energy and protein’s building power all day long.



Read more like this at

Shopping For Plus Size Women

Women models have been portrayed as skinny for years but there is a trend that is catching on which has spun a market that has commanded its own fashion show and that is the plus sized models.

I watched a plus size slide show out of New York recently and was somewhat disappointed. I didn’t find the choices particularly flattering to the full figure, instead it was still pushing skinny girl styles of tight fit.

Actress Nikki Blonsky said she got tired of trying on outfits and just decided to go with what she liked and felt comfortable in. Personally, I think that the focus should have been on what flatters the plus size figure, whatever that maybe. They are the experts.

There were far too many above the knee. They looked good on the models who obviously work out and are toned but I don’t think it would be an appropriate choice for plus size gals. The belt around the waist, arms bare definitely not for me.

When it was over I had a question: What size constitutes a plus size? That question was answered later on in the article as size 12 and a referral to

Are fashion designers assuming plus size women want skinny girl styles? Have you been asked, or taken a survey lately?

Relationship tips for plus size women at

Friday, September 3, 2010

10- Tips For Plus Size Women (Look Good While Losing Weight)

More tips for my ladies to look good and make great choices.

1. Assess your wardrobe and add to what you have

2. Decide which types of material gives you the best appearance all the time

3. All colors do not flatter your body. Choose a basic color
such as navy,black, etc. Coordinate color
into your basic colors sparingly.

4. Compliments can help you measure what goes into your wardrobe

5. Choosing fabrics and having your clothes made can be an
advantage to achieving slimmer looks.

6. Use earrings and other jewelry sparingly

7. Avoid hugging fits in pants and dresses.

8. If clothes and shoes are showing sings of wear and tear discard.

9. Separate your clothes into coordinated outfits for ease of selection.

10. Avoid following what is in style

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