Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Soda or Water: Making the Right Choice for Life

Spent a week traveling to far away places, at least away from my home. Hanging out with friends, taking in sceneries. Tried to keep up with their drink tastes, not alcohol, but tea, water, soda, juices. I noticed that there was no change in how my body felt when I drank just plain water. Tea, even though it was iced tea made me

feel bloated, or just plain fat. It was the same with soda and juices. The more tea, juice or soda I attempted to drink the more uncomfortable my body got.

Also discovered nothing quenches my thirst like water. If I drank any of these I still felt like I wanted water and only water would satisfy me.

Did you know that our body is made up of about 80% water? I read somewhere that some diseases, like asthma is related to dehydration of the lungs.

My husband thinks I’m weird at times when I take a forkful of something and determine that my body does not like this food, or drink and won’t eat it.

A friend who is a certified nutritionist, personal trainer, etc., told me that water has a function that can only be ignored at our peril. Did you know that when your body burns food, waste is formed and needs to be flushed out of the body?

If you want to live healthy, be healthy, hang around people who eat healthy, think healthy and practice healthy living.

Learn more about living healthy with Dr. Vera at www.blogtalkradio.com/changinglives